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CCTV cameras are highly effective security measures, and with almost 2 million reported theft offences in the UK last year, you can understand why many people opt to install them. Investing in CCTV and installing it is all good, but it could be a waste of money if the placement is wrong. What makes CCTV monitoring systems such a fantastic security solution? Find out where to place your security cameras, as well as places to avoid. 

Visible CCTV deters burglars

Thieves know more about home security than the average homeowner! Deterring criminals is the best thing you can do to prevent theft.

A study with past criminals found that CCTV monitoring systems and barking dogs are the biggest theft deterrents. Also, they said most criminals are opportunists, meaning they walk the streets searching for an easy option. Your job is to make them skip your home as it seems too secure.

Where to place CCTV cameras

Make the first floor priority

Studies have shown that 81% of burglars enter via the first floor, so make sure all doors and windows on the first floor are covered. An added security bonus is that the cameras can be used as a digital peephole; check who is at your door before answering. 

Place your cameras above doors and windows, but facing downwards, so the area around them is covered. You can also place CCTV monitoring systems inside windows, facing outwards with a view of the front garden and road. When placing windows outside, you need to make sure they are waterproof and have night vision.

Keep cameras out of reach

When CCTV cameras are accessible, criminals often smash them and then carry out the crime. Thieves have also been known to steal them! So, put them up high when outside, or consider building a wire cage around them to prevent damage.

Placing cameras at least 9 feet high is enough to stop someone 6 feet or less from smashing the camera. Always make sure your cameras are still in eye view so that they continue acting as a deterrent.

Cover stairs & hallways

This is especially important in commercial properties and residential flats. CCTV monitoring systems in hallways and stairwells prevent criminals from accessing multiple building parts and causing further damage. Again, the cameras will act as a deterrent. Security cameras in hallways make the whole building appear to be covered by CCTV.

Driveways & car parks are crucial

Thieves need to sneak through driveways and car parks to access a building, so having a CCTV monitoring system installed here can stop them at the first hurdle. It’s also an excellent spot to give staff and customers peace of mind that their vehicles are safe in commercial properties. After all, vehicles are expensive. And, in 2020, there was a reported 25,017 vehicle crimes in just one month!

No need to neglect indoors!

Indoors are not the best place to put CCTV, as the system won’t necessarily act as a deterrent. Besides this fact, there are benefits to having CCTV indoors. One advantage is that it can be easier for the camera to get a clearer image of the criminal’s face, making it easier to identify if they break-in. Also, the system can record criminals once in the building, meaning you can record any damage that has taken place.

Don’t forget the garage

After failing other entryways, many burglars will go for the garage. It’s often a way for them to access the rest of the house and steal expensive belongings along the way! Consider placing a CCTV camera at your garage door for ultimate security.

Areas where you should never install security cameras

Places which violate your neighbours privacy

Always be mindful of your neighbours. It is not illegal in the UK for your CCTV to cover a neighbours premises, but there are rules you must abide by. You must tell them about it (and put signs up saying you are using CCTV.) Also, ensure you never capture more footage than needed for the purpose.

The law states you must make sure nobody else can access the footage and that you only keep it for as long as you need to. Always ensure the footage is only ever used for the intended purpose. 

Bedrooms & Bathrooms

CCTV monitoring systems in bedrooms & bathrooms not only invade privacy, but there is also a risk of hackers breaking into the system. Sometimes, we want to keep an eye on children and the elderly, but there are other options. Baby monitors and medical alert systems are a much safer bet for these rooms. Luckily, there’s not usually much that people can steal from bathrooms! Criminals prefer TVs to shampoo.

Top tips & tricks for outdoor CCTV cameras

  • Install the camera at least 9 feet from the ground, where possible.
  • Do not point cameras directly at the sun.
  • Ensure they are waterproof.
  • Make sure they have night vision.
  • Place them somewhere visible to deter criminals.

Contact us today if you want any further guidance around CCTV monitoring systems or any other security measures. At Stok K9 Security Services, our highly trained team provides tailored solutions to protect you and your premises. Your safety is the heart of our business.